Sanitization Management System Using PHP and MySQL

4.61$ 17.32$
  • INR: ₹ 399.00

Sanitization Management  System (sanitizationms)

sanitizationms Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format).
  • Project PPT

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment is made successful.

The main objective for developing this project is to provide an easier way to book sanitization for residents and commercial areas and save time. In “Sanitization Management System” we use PHP and MySQL databases. This project has two modules i.e. admin and user


  1. Admin: In this section, admin can update his/her profile, change their password and log out.
  2. Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view total services, total on the way, total new request, total in-process request, and total rejected.
  3. Sanitization Service: In this section, admin can manage sanitization services (Add/Del/update).
  4. Pages: In this section, admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
  5. Sanitization Request: In this section, admin can view new, requests and change the status of requests according to the current status.
  6. Report: In this section, the admin can generate two types of reports. One is between dates reports and another one is by search. Admin can search the report by request number and mobile number.

User (not need to register himself)

  1. Home: User can visit the website and check the detail of sanitization services.
  2. Services: In this section, user can view detail of sanitization services and send the request for sanitization.
  3. About Us: User can see the details of the website.
  4. Contact Us: User can see the contact detail and contact the website administrator.

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