Employees Attendance System using PHP and MySQL

5.76$ 23.09$
  • INR: ₹ 499.00

EMP Attendance System Package Includes:

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format contains 47 pages).
  • Project PPT

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment made successful.

Employee Attendance System is a web application developed for daily employee attendance in companies and organizations. It facilitates to access the attendance information of a particular employee in a particular department. An attendance management   system   is   used   to   track   and   monitor   employees attendance.   An   employer   uses   this attendance   management system   to   track   their employees’ working hours. The   advantages   of   using   an   attendance   management   system   include   enhanced productivity, cost savings, and legal compliance.

There is two modules in this project:

  1. Admin
  2. Employee

Admin Modules

Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total registered employees, total department, Employee check-in today and Employee check-in yesterday.

Department: In this section, admin can manage organizations department (Add/Update/Delete).

Employee: In this section, admin can manage organizations employee (Add/Update) and view their attendance.

Report: In this section, admin can generate employee report and attendance report between two dates.

Admin can also update his profile, change password and recover the password.

Employee Modules

Dashboard: This welcome page for an employee.

My Profile: In this section, employee can update their personal information.

Mark Attendance: In this section, employee can mark their attendance.

Current Month Attendance: In this section, employee can view their current month attendance.

B/w Dates Report: In this section, employee can generate his/her attendance report between two dates.

Change Password: In this section, employee can change his/her account password.

Sign-out: In this section, employee can logout from their accounts.

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