College Admission Management System in PHP and MySQL
In this project, we used PHP and MySQL database. It has two module
1. User Module
2. Admin Module.
User Module:
- User can contact the administrator by sending emails.
- User can view the about us and contact us page.
- User can view notices which are published by the admin.
- User can view courses that are listed by the admin.
- User can register themselves.
After User/Student Login
1.Dashboard: In this section, user can see the status of his application.
2.Admission Form: In this section, user can fill the form and check his / her application form is selected or rejected(which is done by admin).
3.Submit Fees: In this section, If user/student application is selected user can submit their fees.
A user can also update his/ her profile, change the password and recover the password.
Admin Module
In this module, there are ten sections
- Dashboard: In this section, the admin can see all the detail in brief.
- Reg Users: In this section, the admin can view user detail, delete and update user detail.
- Admission Application: In this section, admin can view all applications. Admin can view applications and documents on the basis of status(pending application, approved an application, and reject application). Admin also can approve the pending application. (Whenever the admin changes the status of the application user will get an email notification). Note: The email function will not work in localhost.
- Search Application: In this section, admin can search applications on the basis of user name, email id, and contact number.
- Course: In this section, admin can manage courses(add, delete and update).
- Notice: In this section, admin can manage notice(add and update) and anybody see this notice on the website.
- Notification: In this section, admin gets the notification if any user applies for admission.
- Pages: In this section, Admin can manage the content of the about us and contact us page.
- Subscribers: In this action , admin can view the subscriber list.
- Reports: In this section, admin can generate the report b/w dates.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
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