Paying Guest Accommodation System using PHP & MySQL
In Paying Guest Accommodation System project we use PHP and Mysql database. It has three modules.
1.Admin Module
2.PG Owner Module
3.User Module
Admin Module
- Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like total state, total city, total owner and total pg.
- State: In this section, admin can manage state(add/update).
- City: In this section, admin can manage city(add/update).
- Reg Owner: In this section, admin can view and edit the registered owner.
- PG Details: In this section, admin can view pg detail which is listed by pg owner.
- Reg. Users: In this section admin can view the details of users and their bookings.
- Pages: In this section, admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
PG Owner Module
- Dashboard: In this section, owner can see all detail in brief like total listed pg, total booking, total new booking, total confirmed booking, and total canceled booking.
- List Your PG: In this section, owner can list their pg.
- Received Booking Request: In this section, admin can view new booking and he has right to confirmed booking.
- Search: In this section, the owner can search booking request by booking number.
- Notification: In this owner can see new notification of booking.
The owner can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Module
In this module, there is two types of user guest user and registered user.
Guest User: In this guest, user can see only general information like about us, pg details, search pg and contact details.
Registered users can do the following activity
1. Book the pg.
2. Update his/her own profile.
3. Change Password.
4. Registered user can also recover his/her own password.
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