Toy Shop using PHP and MySQL
Toy Shop using PHP and MySQL is a web-based application where users can buy toys by registering them on toy shop portal.
Once the customer enters with his own username and password, at that time automatically one shopping cart will be created, once the user selects a toy it will be added to the cart. In case the user thinks the selected toy is not useful for him, then delete that toy from the shopping cart.
MODULES : This project contains two modules, which are
- Admin
- User
Admin Modules
This module provides administrator-related functionalities. The administrator manages the entire application.
Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total orders, total new orders , total packed orders , total dispatched orders , total in transit orders, total out for delivery orders, total delivered, total cancelled and total registered users.
Category: In this section, admin can manage category of toys(add/update/delete).
Subcategory: In this section, admin can manage subcategory of toys (add/update/delete).
Toys: In this section, admin can manage toys(add/update/delete).
About us: In this section, admin can update about us of webpage.
Contact us: In this section, admin can update contact us of webpage.
Orders: In this section, admin can view the order details and they have also the right to change order status according to current status.
Reviews: In this section, admin can view the reviews of products which is given by buyers and they have right to approved the review or not.
Enquiry: In this section, admin can view the inquiry which is sent by users.
Search Order: In this section, admin can search particular order with the help of the order number.
Subscriber: In this section admin views subscriber mails.
Reports: In this section admin can view order details and sales reports according to dates.
Registered Users: In this section, the admin can view registered users.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Module
- Toy Shop: In this section, users can view which toys is available on the website
- My Accounts: In this section, users can his/her password, view and update his/her profile and log out from accounts.
- My orders: In this section, users can view order history after login.
- Cart: In this section, the user can add the toys which he/she want to order.
- Wishlist: In this section, the user can add toys to the Wishlist.
- The user has also a facility to download his/her invoice and cancel orders if he/she wants to cancel.
- The user also give review on the toys which is purchase by them.
Brief Information about the Homepage
On this page guest users (users who are not registered) can view the toys, search for toys according to name. Guest users can also sign up and the registered users can sign in. Guest user also sent enquiry and subscribe themselves.
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