Food Ordering System Using PHP and MySQL

9.24$ 23.12$
  • INR: ₹ 799.00

Food Ordering System (FOS) Package Include

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format contains 58 pages).
  • Project PPT

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment made successful.

Food Ordering System using PHP and MySQL

In FOS we use PHP and MySQL database. In this project, any person can order food online. It has two modules, admin and user.

Admin Module

  1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like a total order, not confirmed order, confirmed order, Total food being prepared, Total food pickup, Total food deliver, Total cancelled order and Total user.
  2. Reg Users: In this section, admin can manage the registered user (view/update).
  3. Food Category: In this section, admin can manage the food category (Add, Update and Delete).
  4. Food Menu: In this section, admin can manage the food menu (Add, Update and Delete).
  5. Orders: In this section admin can view the food order details and they have also right to change order status according to current status.
  6. Search Order: In this section, admin can search a particular order with the help of order number.
  7. Reports: In this section admin can view order details, order counts and sales report according to dates.

Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

User Module

1.Food Menu: In this section, user can view which food available in restaurants

2.My Accounts: In this section, user can his/her password, view and update his/her profile and log out from accounts.

3.My orders: In this section, user can view order history after login.

4.Cart: In this section, user can add their food which he/her want to order.

5. User has also a facility to download his/her invoice and cancel orders if he/she wants to cancel.

Brief Information about the homepage

In this page guest user (user which not registered) can view restaurants food menu, search food according to food name and the guest user can also sign up in restaurants and registered user can sign in. User can also track their order without login.

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