Crime Record Management System Using PHP and MySQL

9.23$ 34.64$
  • INR: ₹ 799.00

CRMS Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format).
  • Project PPT

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment is made successful.

In Crime Record Management System we use PHP and MySQL Database. This project keeps the records of FIR, Criminals, and detail of victims. Crime Record Management System has the following modules

  • Admin
  • Police Staff
  • User(Who filed the FIR online)

Admin Module

  1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view the total number of criminals, total police and total category of crime.
  2. Police Station: In this section, admin can manage police stations(add/update/delete).
  3. Police: In this section, admin can manage police staff (add/update/delete).
  4. Crime Category: In this section, admin can manage crime category (add/update/delete).
  5. View Criminals: In this section, admin can view the detail of criminals which is added by police staff.
  6. View FIR: In this section, admin can view the details of filled FIR by user and action which is taken by police staff.
  7. 7. Report: In this section, admin can view the number of criminals and how many FIR is registered in a particular period.
  8. Search: In this section, admin can search criminals and FIR details with the help of Criminal ID and FIR number respectively.

Admin can also update his profile, change the password, and recover the password.

Police Module

  1. Dashboard: In this section, police can briefly view the total number of new FIR, total approved FIR, Total Cancelled FIR, Total FIR Send for charge sheet, total completed charge sheet, and total criminals.
  2. Criminals: In this section, police can manage criminals (add/update/delete).
  3. FIR: In this section, police received the FIR request which is sent by the user and also have right to update the status of FIR according to current status.
  4. Charge sheet: In this section, police generate the charge sheet of received FIR’s.
  5. Report: In this section, police can view the number of criminals and how many FIR is registered in a particular period.
  6. Search: In this section, police can search criminals and FIR details with the help of Criminal ID and FIR number respectively.

Police can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

User Module

  1. Dashboard: It is a welcome page for users.
  2. FIR Form: In this section, user can file the FIR.
  3. FIR History: In this section, user can view the status of file FIR which is the response by the police station.
  4. Charge Sheet: In this section, user can view the charge sheet of file FIR.
  5. Search FIR: In this section, user can search the FIR with the help of FIR number

User can also update his profile, change the password, and recover the password.



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