Online College Assignment System Using PHP and MySQL
In this project, we use PHP and MySQL database. It has three modules
- Admin
- Teacher
- User(Students)
Admin Module
- Admin is the superuser of the website who can manage everything on the website. Admin can log in through the login page
- Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like the total course, total subjects and total teachers.
- Course: In this section, admin can mange course (add/update/delete).
- Subject: In this section, admin can mange subject (add/update/delete).
- Teacher: In this section, admin can manage teacher (add/update).
- Announcement/News: In this section, admin can add and delete the announcement/news.
- Uploaded Assignment: In this section, admin can view checked and unchecked assignment which is uploaded by the students and checked by teachers.
- Search: In this section, admin can search uploaded assignment with the help of teacher name, assignment number and subjects name.
- Reports: In this section, admin can view uploaded assignment report in a particular period.
- Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
Teacher Module
- Dashboard: In this section, teacher can see all detail in brief like the total students (who is registered with the same course as the teacher have), total assignment and total announcement.
- Assignment: In this section, teachers can manage the assignment (add/update).
- Uploaded Assignment: In this section, teachers can view checked and unchecked assignment which is uploaded by the students and checked by them.
- Subject Wise Reports: In this section, teacher can view uploaded assignment (subject wise) report in particular periods.
- Reg Users(students): In this section, teacher can view the detail of registered students with particular courses.
- Teacher can also view his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Module
- Dashboard: In this section, user(students) can view the notice which is announced by his/her course teachers.
- Assignment: In this section, user(students) submit his/her own assignment and view assignment status it is checked or unchecked.
- Teacher can also update his/her profile, change the password and recover the password.
Brief of Home Page
It is the home page of Online College Assignment System on this students can view notice which by announcing by a college administrator and also the unregistered student can register himself.
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