Online Temple Management System using PHP and MySQL

6.53$ 26.16$
  • INR: ₹ 549.00

OTMS Project Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project
  • Project Report (in doc and pdf format)
  • Project PPT
  • The project, Report, and PPT are Downloadable immediately after payment is made successful.

Online Temple Management System is a web-based application that helps temple administration to store the data of users(devotees), manage devotees’ donations, and manage darshan booking.

The different types of modules present in this project are

  1. Admin
  2. User(Devotees)


  1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like Total new darshan booking, accepted darshan booking, rejected darshan booking, total donation, total temple, and total festivals.
  2. Temple: In this section, admin can manage the temple (Add/Update/Delete).
  3. Festivals: In this section, admin can manage the festivals (Add/Update/Delete).
  4. Darshan Booking: In this section, the admin can manage darshan booking and update the status of the booking.
  5. View Donation: In this section, the admin can view the donation detail and print the receipt.
  6. Reports: In this section admin, can generate the following reports in a particular period
  • Darshan booking: In this section, admin can generate the between dates reports of darshan booking
  • Reports of Donation: In this section, admin can generate the between dates reports of donation.
  • Collected Donation: In this section, admin can generate the report of the amount which is collected in a particular temple.
  • Registered devotees: In this section, admin can generate the between dates reports of devotees who registered themselves with the temple organization.
  1. Pages: In this section admin, can manage about us and contact us page of the administration.
  2. Search: In this section admin, can search the following details.
  • Darshan booking: In this section, admin can search booking detail by booking number.
  • Donation Receipt: In this section, admin can search booking detail by donation number(receipt number).
  • Reg Devotees: In this section, admin can search booking detail by mobile number.
  1. Registers Devotees: In this section, the admin can view the detail of registered devotees.

Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

User (Devotees):

  1. Home: It is a welcome page for devotees.
  2. Donation History: User can view the donation history.
  3. Darshan History: User can view darshan history and darshan booking status.
  4. Profile: User can update his/her profile.
  5. Change Password: User can change the password of their account.
  6. Logout: User can log out from the website.
  7. Our Festivals: User can view all the festivals which are celebrated in the temples.
  8. Temples: User can view the temple detail, send the donation, and book darshan.
  9. About: User can view the about us page.
  10. Contact: User can view the contact us page.

User (Non-Register Devotees):

  1. Home: It is a welcome page for users.
  2. About: User can view the about us page.
  3. Contact: User can view the contact us page.
  4. Our Festivals: User can view all the festivals which are celebrated in the temples.
  5. Temples: User can view the temple detail.

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