Driver Hiring Management System using PHP and MySQL

5.77$ 17.32$
  • INR: ₹ 499.00

Driver Hiring Management  System (DHMS)

DHMS Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format).
  • Project PPT

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment is made successful.

“Driver Hiring Management System” is a web-based technology that will manage the records of the driver and users. It’s easy for Admin to retrieve the data of drivers and users. Driver Hiring Management System is an automatic system that delivers data processing at very high speed in a systematic manner. This application provides convenient and best service to customer (who wants to hire a driver) and driver (which want to register) who easily register himself/herself.

In “Driver Hiring Management System” we use PHP and MySQL Database. This project has three modules i.e. admin, driver and user.

Admin Module

  1. Dashboard:  In this section, admin can briefly view the total number of registered users, total registered driver, total booking, pending booking, approved booking and total cancelled booking.
  2. User Detail: In this section, admin views the user details and their booking details.
  3. Driver Detail: In this section, admin views the driver details and their booking details.
  4. Reports: In this section admin can view the booking details.

Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

Driver Module

  1. Dashboard:  In this section, driver can briefly view the total booking, pending booking, approved booking and total cancelled booking.
  2. Booking History: In this section, driver can view and approved and cancel the booking.
  3. Reports: In this section, driver can view the booking details.

The driver can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

User Module

  1. Home: In this section, user can view the welcome page of the web application and after registering they can hire the driver.
  2. My Profile: In this section, user can update his/her profile.
  3. Change Password:In this section, user changes the account password.
  4. Book History: In this section, user can view the history of driver booking.


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