Food Recipe System Using PHP and MySQL

10.60$ 47.15$
  • INR: ₹ 899.00

Food Recipe System (FRS)Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format containing 55 pages).
  • Project PPT

The project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment is made successful.

‘Food Recipe System’ is a web-based technology that will shared online cooking experiences and cooking recipes to others. This system can be beneficial for a restaurant or to the chefs who teaches the cooking as they can spread their recipe to the others. The user can also post their recipe on the website. As the Food Recipe System will be based on the internet, the user can learn and view the recipe from any place and any time.

‘Food Recipe System’ uses PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of the recipes which is added by users. ‘Food Recipe System’ has two modules i.e. admin and user.


Dashboard: In this sections, admin can briefly view the total number of registered users, Total Listed Recipes, Total Comments, Approved Comments and Rejected Comments.

Regd.Users: In this sections, admin can manage registered users and their recipes.

Comments: In this section, admin can manage comments which is sent by recipe readers.

Enquiry: In this section, admin read the enquiries which are send by users.

Pages: In this section, admin can update about us and contact us pages.

Reports: In this section admin can generate registered users and recipe reports between two dates.

Search: In this section, admin can search a particular recipe by recipe name.

Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

Registered User

Dashboard: In this sections, user can briefly view the total listed recipe, Total Listed Recipes, Total Comments, Approved Comments and Rejected Comments.

Recipe: In this Section, user can add and manage( edit, delete) the recipe .

Comments: In this section, user can view comments which is send by recipe readers.

Search: In this section, user can search a particular recipe by recipe name.

Users can also update their profile, change the password and recover the password.

Unregistered User

Home Page: User can visit the home page.

View Recipe: User can the recipe details which are listed by registered users.

About Us: User sees the details of website .

Contact Us: User can contact with website.

Users can comment on recipes and send the enquiry

Note:  In this project MD5 encryption method is used.

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