Home Loan Management System Using PHP and MySQL

5.77$ 17.32$
  • INR: ₹ 499.00

Home Loan Management System (HLMS)

HLMS Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format).
  • Project PPT

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment is made successful.

Home Loan Management System Using PHP and MySQL is a Web-based Application. The main objective is to provide good interaction & communication facilities between customers & the Administrator.

It has two modules:

  • Admin
  • Users


  1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can see brief information of registered users, new loan applications, approved loan applications, rejected loan applications, disbursed loan applications, unread enquiry and read enquiries.
  2. Loan Request: In this section, admin can view loan application that is sent by users.
  3. Disbursed Loan: In this section, admin disbursed the loan of users which is approved by him/her.
  4. Pages: In this section, the admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
  5. Reports: In this section, admin can generate between dates reports of home loan requests received.
  6. Enquiry: In this section, admin can read the enquiries of users.
  7. Search: In this section, admin can search the loan application with help of the application number and user registered mobile number.
  8. Reg Users: In this section, admin can view the detail of registered users.

     Admin can also update the profile and change the password of his/her account.


Non-Registered User:-

  1. Home Page: Users visited the home page.
  2. About Us: Users can view the about us page.
  3. EMI Calculator: The user can view can calculate the EMI of the home loan.
  4. Contact us: Users can view the contact us page.

Registered Users:-(User can sign up and login)

  1. Home Page: Users visited the home page.
  2. About Us: Users can view the about us page.
  3. EMI Calculator: User can view can calculate the EMI of the home loan.
  4. Application Form: Registered users can fill the application form.
  5. My Account:
    1. Setting: User can change his/her account password
    2. Application History: In this section, user can view the status of his/her loan request.
    3. Logout: User log out from their account.
  6. Contact us: Users can view the contact us page.

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